Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What is Your Mantra?

A Google search of the definition of "mantra" shows: 1. A word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation. 2. A statement that is frequently repeated; a characteristic formula or refrain. Mantras are a tool that, at the very basic level serve as a reminder and at a philosophical level, can be used to channel energy. Read More.

I recently decided that I needed something to look at and repeat to myself when I needed a little kick in the pants; a phrase to remind me to kick some butt and get off my duff and JUST DO IT! My mantra? BE UNSTOPPABLE.

I am the type of person who needs someone to check up on my progress and hold me accountable. When there isn't anyone to motivate me, my mantra will be my own little way of telling myself that there will be a payoff later if I can work hard now. Specifically, when I find myself getting bogged down in the dreaded and tedious parts of my job search (like making phone calls or crafting the "perfect" cover letter).

Do you have a mantra? What is it and how does it help you?


  1. Oye me gusta mucho este blog tuyo, no lo había visto antes (y un post muy interesante también).
    La verdad es que no tengo un mantra, pero debería tenerlo... Aunque supongo que sería una frase para ser más positiva y darme un poco más de confianza en mí misma.
    Un besito


  2. My mantra might be dream!! always dream!


  3. My mantra would be to always aim as high as I can and be the best I can be. That keeps me going.


  4. Mi mantra es dar las gracias y soñar.

  5. I have no mantra, but they are very useful ...

  6. you've a really lovely blog <3 it's really fantastic <3 may we can follow each other? :D

  7. my mantra might be ¨tengo suerte¨

